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Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it.

Bertolt Brecht

Image by Laura Skinner

The Dark Times

During the 1st World War, art world was stuck in a deep depression together with the rest of the society. Theaters stuck in a continuous loop, neglecting the audience. The legacy of ancient Greek plays was still taking its toll.

In such an environment
Bertolt Brecht introduced a fresh perspective to the overly serious theater scene. Mocking the status quo; switching "i" and "u" letters to make music different from the ancients.

Fast forward to

21st Century


A global pandemic caused the world to literally stop functioning locking humanity at homes with several curfews. For the first time in history, we shared the same fear in such a deep and connected manner. In the dark times of COVID19, a small probability seed grew into a project that tries to go on no matter the circumstances are.
The Pandemic

Brecht's Misuc concept has been reincarnated in the form of these creatures, that go on dancing relentlessly no matter what life throws at them. They are the new generation of symbols for optimism and mocking the status quo.

Misuc Concept
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